“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”

– Audrey Hepburn

Who We Are

In January 2021 Beyond Reentry Council (BRC) was birthed by Tawana Bell as a result of her Godfather experience with incarceration after retiring from Corporate America. After his completion of five (5) years and hearing his horror stories of being incarcerated i knew it was my calling to impact the lives of men and women who are incarcerated that will be coming home.

Mission Statement

Our LLC, Beyond Reentry Council (BRC) mission is to mentor those who are reentering society after being incarcerated. We do this by offering opportunities to returning citizens from incarceration; we promote alternatives to incarceration hence our goal is to promote positive behavior by reducing recidivism. Thus, strengthening the fabric of our communities.

We do this also by “changing minds” through education and advocacy to promote the creation of a fair, humane, and truly rehabilitative programs by working with like minded organizations who are also interested in providing returning citizens assistance with reentering into their communities.


About 2.2 million people (inmates) are behind bars in the United States, with approximately 97,000 housed in Florida. The criminal justice system affects millions of others too. BRC recognize that prisoners families, crime victims, correction officers, police officers, prosecutors, defense lawyers, judges, and the tax payer are all effected.

There are also many obstacles that incarcerated citizens face after being released from prison. Tawana’s godfather knew these struggles but fortunately for him as a Disabled Combat Veteran did not have to deal with these struggles.

Unfortunately, many if not most formerly incarcerated citizens struggle with:

– Transportation

– Obtaining the necessary documents to receive photo identification

– Having a place to live

– possessing enough money to survive day to day ( Florida only gives $50.00 and a bus ticket and send
you on your way)

– Reconnecting to family and community


The school to prison pipeline are moving in the opposite direction; out-of school suspensions have increased 10- 20%(percent) since 2000. Black students are three (3) times more likely to be suspended or expelled than white students.

This practice has more than tripled since the 1970’s when “My Godfather” was intergrated into a white school system in 1970. Thus, these are facts based on his experience. Our country has a shameful reprehensible history of violence by law enforcement targeting people of color which still is happening today.

However, the police are but one part of the justice system that has left a legacy of destruction among families of color. One has to consider (ECONOMICS) “IE” like of jobs, low wage jobs, etc. Thereby causing the school to prison pipeline or disparities in arrest and sentencing; America is capable of doing better, and we must!

Our Services

Beyond Reentry Council (BRC) offers a workforce or vocational counselor referral service to returning citizens (EX-Prisoners).

We help you explore career options which we strongly encourage you to take advantage of these services which can help you develop a career path.

We offer a starter kit with hygiene items; such as socks, shoes, and professional attire. We also offer, life skills to educate these returning citizens on how to manage their time and money.

The “starter kits” that we offer all returning citizens (FOR FREE) has a cost to us at Beyond Reentry Council. Our solution to off-set this cost are twofold; one aforementioned, we give the kits away and two “our shop” on our site allow people to purchase (Handmade) bead bracelets and eventually other accessories.

These product purchases from “our shop” will allow us to offer more opportunities to all reentry citizens at no cost.

Our reentry veteran citizens are offered a service too, that allows for VA a Counselor to evaluate their needs and then assign them to an Assessment Counselor.

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