Please Support Our Cause
Please support our reentry cause at Beyond Reentry Council, LLC (BRC) for the purpose of purchasing essential items for the children of incarcerated fathers and mothers. Considering, there are situations where both parents are incarcerated at the same time. A scenario like this causes drastic hardships for family members who are trying to fill the void of the missing parent, or both parents in many instances.
We will be donating a percentage (%) of each sale of our “Stretch Bead bracelets” and eventually other items also to Worldwide Charity Center, INC. (WCC). We have partnered with this charitable organization which offers a wide range of services and programs for returning citizens (Incarcerated Men/Women) and youth of Palm Beach County.
Our charity reaches the under-served and struggling members of society from our youth to elderly, to Veterans and disabled Americans.
Help our organization by donating today! All donations go directly to making a difference for our cause.